Monday, March 2, 2009


I don't think you can underestimate the impact that symbolism can have on your software project. There's a series of tricks that rely on this to get stuff done, but the area I find it most useful is sign-off.

I almost invariably get wet-ink on a page, I get that page laminated, and that page goes on the wall.


  • Forcing people to sign with a pen makes them more likley to engage with a document than an email sign off. Don't ask me why it just does.
  • Laminating a document makes it official. It's a sign that we actually care about what we just aggreed to.
  • Visible tracked process. It's great to see your project grow and progress through gates.

    This was all inspired by something I read in GTD about how improtant it was to have a labeller on your desk and how people jsut work better with nicely labelled file.
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